Thursday, May 8, 2014

This is my job web page, thats a non-web page, card device thing. The background is gradient popcorn. I was eating popcorn and I decided to make the background popcorn with a green gradient. I made the gradient subtract so it turns purple-ish with the popcorn and so it opacitates or opacifies or opacity-ish if those are even words. I put four of my works on there with my fake information. My name isn't fake though. I added a smudgy yellow border with each image.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Photogarapher: Maria Marshall
Date: 1998
Marshall's 2 year old son was playing with a fake cigarette. She took a photo of him and edited it, adding thin wisps of smoke. I like it because it shows our generation, getting involved at a young age. It's a problem with our society. Maria used a Hollywood special-effect software. All she did was add smoke, but I think it was the moral she was trying to achieve more then just editing a picture.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Exit Through The Gift Shop project. I did a sticker. You will now see this all over C'Ville. Thanks to Banksy and Goldie. Get Some. (The other one is on Jeremy's blog)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

A project where we had to draw stuff on stuff and stuff like that. Jeremy worked on this with me. The other one is on his blog.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013